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Krótkie wpisy pozwalające nadgonić zaległości i być na czasie z akualnymi kampaniami i trendami.

To keep up with the recent trends I’ll describe here briefly interesting campaigns from the close and further past. I’ll try to focus on quantity, not quality and length of my thoughts. As one wise man once said – mental orgasms, in this case long entries are not a good idea.

HSBC: Integrity is as important as money

HSBC: Integrity
Uploaded by Habzapl.

This is an eternal problem. What is the true goal for a financial institution. To make money (hopefully also for their clients) you might say. True, but this has to be done in an ethical manner. Especially when we are speaking about mature market, where consumer awareness is high, details, as code of conduct, moral values etc. become important. Is this commercial dangerous? One may interpret it as a lost chance for major earnings, not necessary a thing you want to communicate when you are a financial institution. In the other hand, it does show that HSBC, just like the paparazzi does have higher standards, moral values and will not act in the gray-morale area.  Integrity is important in an institution – client should be aware, that if an organization does use the moral-doubtful earning occasions, one day, it may act in the same way on him.

Inspiration: Blindspot
Krótkie wpisy pozwalające nadgonić zaległości i być na czasie z akualnymi kampaniami i trendami.

To keep up with the recent trends I’ll describe here briefly interesting campaigns from the close and further past. I’ll try to focus on quantity, not quality and length of my thoughts. As one wise man once said – mental orgasms, in this case long entries are not a good idea.

Esquire: Augmented reality puts the new spirit into old media

Esquire magazine uses an innovative approach to revive, make sexy again the media doomed by many – a paper magazine. Naturally, this is a specific situation, as Esquire target will not migrate completely to the Internet – not like in the case of traditional newspapers. Nevertheless they are paying effort to create some media buzz, so people will start talking again about something as familiar as a magazine. Video does explain most of the things, I also recommend checking Behind the Scenes of Augmented Esquire.  AR is basically live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are merged with (or augmented by) virtual computer-generated imagery – creating a mixed reality.  So, by showing certain image to our camera, we are gaining access to some content. Here is an example how an image from a pizza box unlocked part of a website:

How does it work here? After installing the software, assuming we have a webcam, it is enough to launch the application and place the magazine cover in front of a camera. Software should recognize the code, in this case located below Robert Downey Jr., and the fun can begin. Interactive elements are located in the whole magazine (I wonder where is the legend to that, so the user will not miss a single thing), often celebrities are used in these interactions.  Definitely funny and new for the potential client. Surely, this is a one-to-few times action. Not only because of the work preparation of such feature consume, but also if it would have become a standard part of the magazine, people would simply got used to it.

I do see some potential downsides, like how sophisticated that recognition is – will it work in case of the low-end webcams? Sign (code) is rather big, but still, who knows. If it will not work,  some users may get annoyed.  It is a step in the right direction, user has to be engaged, take part in something new and exciting. This also does harmonize with the upcoming Microsoft Natal, also a camera-movement recognition solution, where player will control video games using whole body as a controller. So, there is a future in such ideas.

Inspiration: Adverblog
Krótkie wpisy pozwalające nadgonić zaległości i być na czasie z akualnymi kampaniami i trendami.

To keep up with the recent trends I’ll describe here briefly interesting campaigns from the close and further past. I’ll try to focus on quantity, not quality and length of my thoughts. As one wise man once said – mental orgasms, in this case long entries are not a good idea.

Sofia Bank: Wealth, it is about attitude

Above examples of a new campaign by Finnish Sofia Bank . Wealth, it is about attitude or as on their website Wealth. It’s an Attitude. I do like the concept – to take some ordinary people in their normal environment, add some upper class nuances, like the exotic fruits, and the most important thing – place them in graceful poses, one may say classic portrait poses. It is not important whether you are rich or not. It is enough that you do feel so. At least I see it so. From the bank point o view, the communicate here the fact that they are treating all clients in the same way, and the only thing that limits them, is their attitude. So, with the right one, you also will be rich.

Inspiration: Ads of the World
Krótkie wpisy pozwalające nadgonić zaległości i być na czasie z akualnymi kampaniami i trendami.

To keep up with the recent trends I’ll describe here briefly interesting campaigns from the close and further past. I’ll try to focus on quantity, not quality and length of my thoughts. As one wise man once said – mental orgasms, in this case long entries are not a good idea.

Bontrust: Increase In Currency, when your money multiply themselves with a pleasure

Bontrust: Increase In Currency
Uploaded by Habzapl

Bontrust Finance a German investment firm ordered this spot, and the hired agency had the following idea:

“…to show the increase of money on the international market in connection with some kind of sexual relation…”

Concept of a whole world made of banknotes is indeed great. Abraham Lincoln, The Unnamed Lady, and Mao look even better than the world around them. For me the ‘money love’ here means that our firm will use any occasion to multiply, to invest in the USA, or China – location does not matter, only the rate of return on such investment counts. That’s good, as this is their business, and that they achieve that with an image of a sort of a slut? It does not matter, as long as they earn.
Transition from a peaceful romantic period to a harsh sexual interaction is a real twist in the plot (poor EURO, even if it would like to participate, it does not have how…). For me it is not subtle enough, but again, we should remember on which market was it made. Ze Germans are not prudish, most of their jokes and humor rounds around these subjects, so I guess it will be well received on that market. Also, it will gain greater attention, than let’s say an apple tree with banknotes instead of fruits, and as stated above, for a company form such sector, this sort of an image is not a burden.
The making of, and concepts can be seen here.

Inspiration: COLORIBUS
Krótkie wpisy pozwalające nadgonić zaległości i być na czasie z akualnymi kampaniami i trendami.

To keep up with the recent trends I’ll describe here briefly interesting campaigns from the close and further past. I’ll try to focus on quantity, not quality and length of my thoughts. As one wise man once said – mental orgasms, in this case long entries are not a good idea. a naughty puppy becomes a nice credit score, does it keep up to the pirates legend?
Załadowane przez: Habzapl

New advert of the, a service which provides ‘real time’ information to its users about their credit reports/history. When you’re unable to do the math alone, with such information you should be able to manage your finances in a wiser way, do some planning, and stuff like that. If you’d ask me, a person with basic financial literacy level would be able to do most of that stuff by himself, but the topic of financial literacy, and role of the financial institutions in improving it is deep enough for some separate entries. I see here a large area to use, as in many markets (name Poland…) subject is almost untouched. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to implement some solutions related to it.
Returning to the spot. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with almost-the-best-spot-ever-made. Why almost? Well, it has pirates (SINGING!) in it, and the only thing which’s lacking here are the NINJAS. With them it could’ve been the best ever made ;-). If you don’t know what the hell I’m speaking about, please update your cultural references. A good soul’s putted all six singing spots of the on YouTube. Listen yourself.

Brilliant, isn’t it? It is always hard to be a successor of a successful campaign. The ‘doggy’ one does not even come close to its predecessor, but I believe it has a different role. When the sung commercials promote your brand, increase awareness, and basically tell what your business does, so it becomes familiar to the general public, it is impossible to present in them the ‘hard numbers’. So, with that in mind, and if we’ll treat it as a different category ad, it isn’t so bad. They’ve failed in creation of a likeable ‘fluffy’ puppy from the improved score numbers, but at least they’ve animated some life into it, and people do love it (for a perfect spot, the boy should have more time). Concept is ok, with the help of FCR the lady was able to control the spoiled puppy/credit report, and they’ve lived happily ever after. What lacks here is a clear image how the FCR and its website helped the lady. Maybe one-two shots with a laptop, or a manual how to deal with misbehaving puppies? Generally, ok.

Inspiration: COLORIBUS