Articles worth reading: 5

YouTube HD Camera Trick Challenge – Samsung

“This clip was shot on an I8910 HD phone, a new camera phone just released by Samsung with an 8 megapixel camera that can actually record and output video in HD format. It was shot in one take, with no post production or special effects of any kind. Everything you see here was done “in-camera”. Our challenge to you is to figure out how we did it. Hint: it’s worth watching in HD…”

I do like such concept, provide a challenge, a competition for your target audience. It was filmed in a really cleaver way.

Turning our streets into neighborhoods – MasterCard

“The Big Lunch, on Sunday 19 July 2009, is a national event designed to break down the walls of anonymity between British people.”
“For one afternoon, every single person will be encouraged to decorate their street, prepare a meal, go outside and interact with their neighbours.”

From the Priceless series. Companies should follow such path, to help not on a nationwide level or for some distant ideas (global warming, give me a break), but show actions HERE and NOW. I’ve been always amazed why do the companies with let’s say large branch network don’t encourage their employees for local activities…

There are no “corporate customers”..

“There are no “private customers” either.. Only human customers in different roles. And they surely deserve to be served with similar tools, logic and language irrespective of the role. Anything else is bad service and slowing up adoption of more productive practises in both roles.”

Using Social Technologies to Run Better Events

The Twitter Book – A Sneak Preview – what the flock Twitter is

Banks – how about focusing on new value?

“But what should banks do now to start to rebuild their scattered images? Back to profitability and basics is for sure one route – simple robust real services – less marketeer driven gimmicks and “products” nobody really understand. But more than that, there is a big area where banks are now needed more than ever before. This is the what we call extended payments services. All the way from potentially doubling the payment volumes by moving into networked sourcing, routing and presenting e-invoices, e-orders, e-confirmations, e-salaries, e-pensions etc to e-id, e-signatures and real time payments – services needed in the networked and increasingly real-time economy.”

An anthropological introduction to YouTube


Everything can be an advertising vehicle.

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