Oldies- archiwa tagu

Materiały, co do których nie jestem w stanie ustalić ich pierwotnego źródła - kiedyś na nie trafiłem i zalegały na dysku.

Materials to which I am unable to tell their original source, and since I’ve spotted them, they were stored on my hard drive.

Articles worth reading: 8

ad British cereal reveals just who’s doing all those Google searches

ad Bavaria Beer One Drop of Water Commercial

A man on a mission ;-)

ad The Michelin Man’s a serious badass, whatever he’s trying to say

ad Coffee Heros: Celebrate your heros

I would definitely not put Che on one of these, but it is Germany we are speaking, so I am assuming there is a demand for him there…

Chase Bank’s Second iPhone App: Gift Planner

Symphony of Science
Our Place in the Cosmos

ad Mercedes-Benz G-Class – Fireworks

ad Talk for India

Bank innovation spend holds up despite weary scepticism

The vast majority of US and UK banking and capital markets firms have continued or increased funding of large innovation initiatives through the financial crisis yet most do not see innovation as a way to rebuild their businesses over the coming years, according to a survey from Accenture.

Holiday Themes: ING Direct Offers Up Anti-Black-Friday Tease

ad I Want a Goat

Even B2B marketers are using social media

Channels: Really It’s More Than Just Channels…

Enisa calls for national ID cards to be extended to e-banking

Should we have chip only payment cards?

UK firms ramp up social media spending

The vast majority of UK companies are planning to increase spending on social media in the next year, despite failing to gain real, tangible value from it so far, according to a survey from Econsultancy.

ad The 100 poorest

ING Direct Black Friday Screenshots

We don’t need your customer service

The latest report finds that Britons prefer doing their own banking, and would deliberately choose a computer or a mobile phone to manage their finances before phoning a call centre. They don’t want to deal with people in other words – whether in branches or call centres – but want to self-service wherever and whenever possible.


Very quick replacement for a debit card (ING)

Fragmenting the banking structure

ad Stella Artois launches augmented reality Christmas eCard

ad Ford F-150: Bricks

Kids won’t just laugh off the latest anti-drug PSAs. Or will they?

ad United States Air Force: Csar

Materiały, co do których nie jestem w stanie ustalić ich pierwotnego źródła - kiedyś na nie trafiłem i zalegały na dysku.

Materials to which I am unable to tell their original source, and since I’ve spotted them, they were stored on my hard drive.

Articles worth reading: 6

Unfortunately I am not having too much free time these days, but would like to reactivate this blog. To start with that immense task, I will post in the few upcoming entries links to interesting articles, which I have gathered since the last entry.  I’m not sure if will be able to provide a comment to them, in most cases they will talk by themselves. I’m hoping that in the future I will manage to provide up-to-date entries.

OK, so let’s start and see where it will take us.


In testimony at yesterday’s one-day food marketing hearing at the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Science, a McDonald’s Corp. executive said the company takes Ronald McDonald to elementary schools and is talking to children as young as 4 in its advertising.A McDonald’s spokesman said the company’s “communications to customers including children and moms are responsible and responsive. They are appropriate. They communicate choice and variety. They are age-appropriate, size-appropriate and are [about] a quality meal at a great value,” he said.

A McDonald’s spokesman said the company’s “communications to customers including children and moms are responsible and responsive. They are appropriate. They communicate choice and variety. They are age-appropriate, size-appropriate and are [about] a quality meal at a great value,” he said.
Ken Powell, executive vice president of General Foods, said his company markets to mothers, not children.

“We strongly think products advertised to kids can be advertised appropriately,” he said. He noted bans on advertising to children abroad and obesity rates that vary widely from region to region in this country, and said that data argues against a link between advertising and obesity.

These guys are serious with their statements… Their attitude reminds me a great movie - Thank You for Smoking

Now This Is How To Advertise Milk – Parmalat Milk Italy

Panasonic nose trimmer: Fatty

Panasonic nose trimmer: Borat

Telenet: Soldier

Telenet: Cyborg

Kudu restaurant: Drive thru since 1988

The inscription – since 1988 is not visible enough. Overall idea is very good.

Fudge: Never too late 1

Vancouver Society of Children’s Centres: 1 2

Mitsubishi Pajero Dakar: The meeting between luxury and off-road

From Russia with Love

Russia’s turnaround was best illustrated for me by a friend of mine, who redesigned all the branches for one of Russia’s largest retail banks: Alfa Bank.Alfa Bank a decade ago had these cold, unwelcoming branches. Grey and horrible.Until recently, I thought all of Russia was still like that with queues being the prominent way of life and ‘customer service’ being as likely as transparent goverment.
Here’s the old way of Alfa Bank:

Mashup technologies in real-world banking

Integration with Google Maps is indeed a good idea, I myself have such service from my phone provider – when am checking the history of calls, location of the callers is shown on a map. Of course  only for the landlines numbers, identified by the prefixes, but still it is a nice service.

Identifying Multi Channel Customer Experience Best Practice

Orange Israel: Hollywood

Orange Israel: Hollywood

Materiały, co do których nie jestem w stanie ustalić ich pierwotnego źródła - kiedyś na nie trafiłem i zalegały na dysku.

Materials to which I am unable to tell their original source, and since I’ve spotted them, they were stored on my hard drive.

HSBC: Integrity is as important as money

HSBC: Integrity
Uploaded by Habzapl.

This is an eternal problem. What is the true goal for a financial institution. To make money (hopefully also for their clients) you might say. True, but this has to be done in an ethical manner. Especially when we are speaking about mature market, where consumer awareness is high, details, as code of conduct, moral values etc. become important. Is this commercial dangerous? One may interpret it as a lost chance for major earnings, not necessary a thing you want to communicate when you are a financial institution. In the other hand, it does show that HSBC, just like the paparazzi does have higher standards, moral values and will not act in the gray-morale area.  Integrity is important in an institution – client should be aware, that if an organization does use the moral-doubtful earning occasions, one day, it may act in the same way on him.

Inspiration: Blindspot
Materiały, co do których nie jestem w stanie ustalić ich pierwotnego źródła - kiedyś na nie trafiłem i zalegały na dysku.

Materials to which I am unable to tell their original source, and since I’ve spotted them, they were stored on my hard drive.

Articles worth reading: 5

YouTube HD Camera Trick Challenge – Samsung

“This clip was shot on an I8910 HD phone, a new camera phone just released by Samsung with an 8 megapixel camera that can actually record and output video in HD format. It was shot in one take, with no post production or special effects of any kind. Everything you see here was done “in-camera”. Our challenge to you is to figure out how we did it. Hint: it’s worth watching in HD…”

I do like such concept, provide a challenge, a competition for your target audience. It was filmed in a really cleaver way.

Turning our streets into neighborhoods – MasterCard

“The Big Lunch, on Sunday 19 July 2009, is a national event designed to break down the walls of anonymity between British people.”
“For one afternoon, every single person will be encouraged to decorate their street, prepare a meal, go outside and interact with their neighbours.”

From the Priceless series. Companies should follow such path, to help not on a nationwide level or for some distant ideas (global warming, give me a break), but show actions HERE and NOW. I’ve been always amazed why do the companies with let’s say large branch network don’t encourage their employees for local activities…

There are no “corporate customers”..

“There are no “private customers” either.. Only human customers in different roles. And they surely deserve to be served with similar tools, logic and language irrespective of the role. Anything else is bad service and slowing up adoption of more productive practises in both roles.”

Using Social Technologies to Run Better Events

The Twitter Book – A Sneak Preview – what the flock Twitter is

Banks – how about focusing on new value?

“But what should banks do now to start to rebuild their scattered images? Back to profitability and basics is for sure one route – simple robust real services – less marketeer driven gimmicks and “products” nobody really understand. But more than that, there is a big area where banks are now needed more than ever before. This is the what we call extended payments services. All the way from potentially doubling the payment volumes by moving into networked sourcing, routing and presenting e-invoices, e-orders, e-confirmations, e-salaries, e-pensions etc to e-id, e-signatures and real time payments – services needed in the networked and increasingly real-time economy.”

An anthropological introduction to YouTube


Everything can be an advertising vehicle.

Materiały, co do których nie jestem w stanie ustalić ich pierwotnego źródła - kiedyś na nie trafiłem i zalegały na dysku.

Materials to which I am unable to tell their original source, and since I’ve spotted them, they were stored on my hard drive.

Articles worth reading: 4

Bank of America outs Twitter imposter

“The anonymous BofA imposter set up his Twitter account yesterday and claimed to be a bona fide staffer at the West Coast bank.

Pros and cons of the ‘new media’. What can you do? Close on them? Then you’ll obsolete.

Will the Troubled Banking Sector Start Pulling Back on Free Consumer Services?

“Free online/mobile banking access: Online and mobile access is an inexpensive service to provide and is likely to remain free for most customers. However, we expect banks and credit unions to begin offering upscale “gold” versions that will carry annual/monthly fees for more benefits.”

This one is easiest to implement and justify I think. Naturally all depends on the market we are acting, so there is no universal solution.

Westpac checks out of Second Life

“Australia’s Westpac has pulled its presence in Second Life and ditched a number of high profile Web 2.0 pilots in response to poor user uptake and changing business conditions.”

No surprise there, as such investments are always first to cut, and it is also not the first example of a financial institution failing in Second Life. As I’ve mentioned earlier on this website – more traditional social networking websites should be targeted in short and mid term. Ultimately Second Life-like communities will prevail. Today also a success could be possible, let’s say some South Korean bank with attractive offer for youth would become the official ‘bank’ for World of Warcraft.

CitiFX Pro goes online and mobile

“CitiFX Pro clients are now able to access their accounts and trade real-time via three state-of-the-art platforms: CitiFX Pro Trader, the current desktop version, CitiFX Pro Web and CitiFX Pro Mobile. Clients with Internet browser access can view streaming prices and charts for over 130 currency pairs and execute trades via CitiFX Pro Web, which can be launched without software installation.”

Brits still failing to protect themselves online – survey

“The average Brit is subscribed to seven internet services, such as internet banking or online shopping sites, and almost a third (30 per cent) of people subscribe to 10 or more. However, almost a fifth of people (18 per cent) use the same password for all their accounts and, of those with 10 or more, 18 per cent use the same password for all of them.”
“Worryingly, the survey also reveals just 12 per cent of people use the recommended secure mix of numbers, capitals and lower case letters when creating their passwords, falling to nine per cent for those in their 60′s and eight per cent for those over 70.”

E-banking draws half of online US population

“49% conducts most, if not all, of their banking via the Internet, up nearly 23% from early 2007.”
“While the research shows 62% of people aged 21 to 34 conduct the majority of their banking via the Internet, around 40% of those aged 45 to 69 are also now mainly managing their finances online.”

Dutch banks bid for customers on online auction site

“To use the Spaarbod site, customers enter the amount of money they want to deposit, for how long and on what terms. The site calculates the best rates and offers the user the chance to sign up.”

Nothing special for now.

“However, they can also choose to have their data sent on to participating banks, which can bid for the business. Within a day the user receives an e-mail listing the five highest bidders and can pick the best offer.

Excellent solution for the Clients who are only seeking the best rate, and are disregarding other factors. Quite dangerous for the financial institutions. When the only thing that matters is a small number and a percentage sign, all marketers efforts are a bit pointless there. There is no place for a shiny brand, exclusive branches, cool ATMs etc. Just the rate.

SmartyPig integrates with money management sites

“SmartyPig is a secure new service that leverages the age-old idea of saving up for purchases before buying, while adding Web 2.0 and social networking technology to reach tech-savvy banking customers. The ability to track SmartyPig goals in online money management sites was a top request from SmartyPig users, who keep an ongoing dialogue with the company through customer service site GetSatisfaction, Twitter, a large fan group on Facebook, and through its popular blog.”

Wesabe launches money management platform for banks

“Aggregation tools enable customers to see all their accounts – checking, savings, credit card and investment – in one place.”
“Furthermore, community features let consumers share advice, support and tips as well as view side-by-side comparison of merchants, showing aggregate spending and satisfaction data, as well as user-generated tips.”

Entropia Universe gets real world banking licence

“The company behind Entropia Universe – an online role-playing game that has a cash economy – has been granted a real world banking licence by Swedish regulators, enabling it to set up a virtual central bank.”
“Mind Bank will also offer selected bank services to customers on the conventional market.”

How many Ts is that?

“It seems obvious to allow time for your employees to connect with their peers across these networks to collaboratively problem solve – though you have to give them the trust to help you innovate and share the reward for it to work.”
“Can banks figure out how to modernise their client services – can they find a way to engage in more transparent dialogue rather than branch-focused workshops with a few customers and expensive budgets that push the brand in other ways?”
“It would be very easy to take a leaf out of the IT service desk approach and evolve the current online banking tools by running a proper Q&A, forum and knowledge base for staff and customers to use and evolve together though there’s not much to banking, is there?”

Banks are just too afraid to be open on the communication with Clients via ‘public’ channels. Let’s name an internet forum. Obviously it’d have to be moderated, so what would happen if a bunch of noisy and unhappy Clients would come? Cut them all off? Community would have been outraged. These are the worries of large universal banks, a fear that a small fraction of Clients (often without particular reason…) will create a mess. In my opinion tools are there to use them, only wisely. Only through communication with those who are leaving money in your establishment you will know how to get your service better.

Fifth Third Bank adds lending information section to site

“The site includes information from the U.S. Department of the Treasury about Fifth Third Bank’s monthly lending data in comparison with other financial institutions participating in the Capital Purchase Program. The site also includes information about Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation coverage and details about how Fifth Third Mortgage Company’s customers can get assistance.”

Wells Fargo taps Twitter

“Wells Fargo is the latest bank to launch a Twitter feed, where customers can ask questions and seek advice.”

Online banking bill payers are more profitable and loyal – study

“Bank customers who pay bills online are over 15% more profitable and 76% more loyal than those that don’t, according to a study sponsored by Fiserv.”
“In addition customers who paid bills online were 76% less likely to churn or leave the bank, with the figure rising to 95% for people paying five or more a month.”

Arizona State CU launches social media site for recession-hit members

“The HelpingAZ.com site is designed to assist Arizona state and university employees and others who have been impacted by the economy, layoffs and furloughs.”

US m-banking take-up hindered by security and cost concerns – survey

“The poll of over 500 people shows 85% of respondents believe mobile banking is important but they do not want to pay for it. Of those who have not used m-banking, 48% cite security and privacy as the primary reason.”
“The survey also highlights a lack of awareness on mobile banking, with 68% claiming their financial institution does not offer the service.”

Third of European Internet users bank online – comScore

“Of 17 European countries individually analysed, Internet banking usage was highest in the Netherlands, with 52.9% of the total online population using it.”
“France saw the second highest penetration levels, with 49.9% of the total online population, followed by Sweden on 48.4% and the UK, 46.1%.”

Hacking, OTPs and next generation of Authentication Methods

“The following authentication scenarios discussed here apply to a simple connection between a client and his online banking website. After reviewing the most dangerous hacking techniques, we will see what solutions can be implemented.”

Global recession fuels ID fraud fears – Unisys

“According to the poll, 84% of Spanish consumers believe the financial crisis will increase their risk of ID theft and fraud schemes, with 74% of people in the US and 72% in the UK sharing this concern.”
“The survey saw a 10 point increase in Internet security fears worldwide, which included near equal rises in concerns about online banking and shopping as well as computer viruses and spam.”

Wells Fargo calls on customers to switch to online statements for Earth Day

“Pay It Green, an industry alliance organized to promote online banking, including online-only statements, estimates that an average household with online services could save seven pounds of paper, 60 gallons of waste water and five gallons of gas each year. (payitgreen.org/get-the-facts.html)”

Recession-hit Americans turn to Web banking – comScore

“ComScore says nearly 60% of the total US Internet population now visits any one of the top 20 financial institutions’ sites in any give quarter.”
“However, brokerage firms saw their highly satisfied customers decline from 70% of respondents in 2008 to 58% in 2009.”
“Around 37% showed a strong interest in online personal financial management tools, with half of those interested indicating they were willing to pay a modest monthly fee for the services.”
“An instant messaging service would appeal to 30%, widgets to 27% and blogs to 20%.”

It’s a Bird It’s a Plane…It’s Earth Day

“Just one day past Earth Day, e3bank announced their intention to be the first to create a commercially successful, full-service financial institution built from the ground up around principles of sustainability. Which means a bank with no branches but a whole lot of technology.”

Twitter and other banking fads

“According to figures from the Nielsen Wire blog, more than 60% of US Twitter users fail to return the following month. This is actually an improvement on previous 12 months pre-hype stats, when Twitter’s retention rate languished below 30%. Compare this with the 70% retention rates of Facebook and MySpace.”

For banks, Twitter is a stunt

“Now, I’d assume that each of these institutions has someone whose role is, at least partially, dedicated to servicing that Twitter account. With less than 400 customers to serve, I suppose it is possible, even, that they can create some content which is interesting enough to keep their followers signed up. But what if they had thousands of followers, or tens of thousands? Creating relevance for so many is not likely to be something one person can do.”
“But all of this is irrelevant, really, because the Twitterati aren’t interested in content at all. Their primary interest is counting the number of followers they’ve acquired. It is a badge of honour: you are someone in social media if you have thousands of followers, and noone otherwise. Twitter is a way of keeping score, a means of being part of the “in crowd”.”

Twitterati vs the banks

“Yes, banks and others need to monitor Twitter. But if that ever became a primary communication channel, something is seriously wrong. I do think that the banks running a help line on Twitter are probably doing a good thing. I monitor a few of these, and I don’t see them getting that much traffic, and what they are doing is redirecting the enquiries, for the most part.”
“Social media have a democratizing effect: it means small voices can more easily be heard. They help balance out the power imbalance of one customer versus a big institution.”
“Relatively few banks offer customers feed services for things like rates. This would appear to be a good application for Twitter. What about campaigns and promotions, announcements of new locations, all that sort of stuff.”

New media uptake threatens retail banking business model – Gartner

“Gartner defines social banking as an emerging approach to retail banking that makes depositing, lending and the connections between depositors, borrowers and financial institutions transparent.”
“Without planning for the emergence of this new financial services environment, retail banks will not only be disintermediated, but also miss a significant opportunity to transform their operations and customer focus, she says.”

Importance of Customer Services during a Crisis

“For a company, Advertisement is your word and Customer Services is your action.
Advertisement is important to let the people know out there that you are still alive and doing ok. Don’t assume that they think you are, tell them. Customer Services are important to do what you say you’re doing. Telling your customers and your potential new customers that you are ok is one thing.”
“Showing them is another one. Show to your customers that they are important to you. Bring them the best quality of service ever, especially during crisis time: Invest in your customers.”